Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The Next Four Years . . .

Unafraid of the Future. . .

     The ideas for this post were forming in my head last night, before the election votes had all been tallied--and regardless of who would win. It still rings true today. The next presidential term will, no doubt, bring paramount changes to the United States as we know it to be. Because of the changes at stake, a powerful emotion was brought to the forefront for many Americans--Conservatives felt it before the election and Liberals now after the election. That emotion is fear, making it a perfect topic for my purposes on this blog. I will admit to being more than a little frightened of the freedoms at stake over the next four years. I am grateful that I have been able to homeschool my children, and know that I can effectively defend them from intruders. If I'm honest, I'd admit that I have fretted more than a little over losing those freedoms.
    But, "Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God," Psalm 20:7.
   And, "Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help," Psalm 146:3.

      And it seems that Christians, many of them, have put their trust in princes and chariots. They have counted on--and are now rejoicing that--Donald Trump has saved them from the evil of Hilary Clinton. I agree that she is despicable and dangerous. However, I find it foolish to proclaim that God has "spared" or "saved" America by placing Donald Trump in the presidency. We've misplaced our trust and our focus. We were so driven by fear of the threat of Hilary, that we placed our trust and hope in Donald Trump....... That seems ridiculous to even write. Or maybe just desperate...

    While I was worried about the loss of personal freedoms and the chaos that would ensue if Hilary were made president, I am just as concerned about the unpredictability of our next chosen president. However, that's because I've misplaced my trust. American Christians have this illogical notion that they cannot live for God or prosper His purposes without a conservative in office. There are Christians all over the world who serve Him and live their daily lives despite their country's form of government. Some of them live in harsh conditions; others lead relatively comparable lives to ours. I realize a government can make it harder or easier to live for Christ. I'm not blind to that fact, but we've had it "easier" for a very long time and we've taken it for granted. The bottom line is that no matter what--we are to live for Christ and not rest in our government to free us from a "greater evil" or to rescue us from a feared outcome. We've replaced God with government. It's as if many Christians were saying this morning--"Whew. Now we will be fine." We will get what we have chosen.

    In 1 Samuel 8, the children of Israel decide to reject the leadership of God and ask Samuel to anoint a king to fight their battles. Samuel warns them against such a decision and lays out the risks of having a king. They further pressure Samuel to choose a king. God leads Samuel to anoint Saul as their king. Samuel's warnings become reality and Israel gets what they asked for, what they decided to trust.  Are we ready for what we chose?

   I need to place my trust in the Lord for the future and my freedoms. That does not mean I demand that He create a constitutional utopia for me so that I can serve him comfortably. That means I pray for the preservation of freedoms, but trust Him to give strength and provide--no matter who sits in the Oval Office. I do not put my trust in presidents or princes to save my way of life. I give my way of life to Christ.

Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.
His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish.
Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God:
Psalm 146:3-5.

(I don't particularly care who anyone voted for--I just want to make sure I remember where my help comes from.)

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